Lab Test Resources

Find Lab Test FAQs & Downloadable Instructions.


General FAQs

Q: How does it work?

A: Very simple! Once you place your order, you will receive the lab test kit within approximately 48h.  Simply follow the instructions provided and pop your sample back in the prepaid return label we sent you and arrange for a collection. It takes approximately 3-4 weeks to process your results and as soon as we have these, we'll send you an invite to chat with one of our expert integrative health practitioners. This invite will also contain a health intake form that we kindly ask you to fill in as thoroughly as possible. Once you book the appointment, you will receive a confirmation email with the Zoom details for your video consultation. On the day of your meeting, they'll walk you through your results and you’ll leave the call with actionable steps that are easy to follow and tailored to your specific results. 

Q: What is the difference between the 3 Month Programme and Lab Testing Consultations?

A: When you order a lab, you receive a 30 minute consultation to explain your results and provide you with advice and recommendations, based on your symptoms and lab results. With lab test consultations, we are not able to respond back to email follow up questions after your consultation as that is only available in the 3 Month Programme. However, if you have other health concerns, we'd be happy to schedule another consultation to discuss them in more detail.

The 3 Month Programme however, was designed for individuals that need a full health intake and one-to-one ongoing support and accountability. It includes a series of three consultations with Paula, or another Synergised practitioner, to help guide you through the implementation of your protocols. Under this programme, you have access to your health coach for follow-up questions, accountability and general support anytime. You will also meet with them once a month to go over your protocols, wellness plan, etc.

Q: Do I need to fill a health intake form prior to my lab test consultation?

A: Yes. Once your results are ready, you will receive an email to book your consultation and fill in your health intake form.

Q: How are customers' data handled?

A: Synergised does not sell clients data. Once a sample is run, the lab will have it destroyed, and it is not used for any other purpose.

Q: Does the 30 minute lab test consultation include nutrition advice?

A: Yes, all recommendations sent to you after your consultation will include nutrition advice.

Q: How will I receive my results and consultation to review the results?

A: Once your sample is received, it takes approximately 3-4 weeks to receive your results. As soon as we receive your results, one of our integrative health practitioners will send you an email with instructions on where to find the results as well as our appointment schedule so you can book your appointment. Once this is booked, you will receive a confirmation email with the Zoom details for your video consultation. On the day of your consultation, the results will be explained to you and your practitioner will send you the recommendations based within 48h,

Q: Do you offer the functional medicine lab tests service outside the UK?

A: Unfortunately, we don’t at the moment but we’re looking to launch international services soon!

Q: When should I ship my sample?

A: Make sure the sample is not shipped if the next day is a bank holiday and that it is only sent Monday-Thursday. 

Q: What should I do if I lose my instructions?

A: You can find the instructions for each lab at the bottom of this page!

Q: Can the functional medicine labs be done in Children?

A: As long as your child is over 3 years old yes!

Q: I couldn’t find the answer to my question, what should I do?

A: Please email us at and our team will get back you ASAP.



Q:When should I take my sample?

  • A:Cycling Premenopausal Women Begin collection between days 19 and 22 of a 28-day cycle. For longer cycles, add the number of days you usually go beyond 28 days. In a similar manner, subtract if your cycles are shorter (example: collect days 17-20 for a 26 day cycle). 

  • For irregular cycles or non-cycling (ablation or uterus removed), watch the irregular cycle collection video in the video library at for suggestions on collecting. 

  • Men & Non-Cycling or Postmenopausal Women Collect any day. 

Q:What should I avoid prior to collecting the samples?

A:Foods: Avoid avocado, bananas and fava beans for 48 hours before collecting as they may elevate the HVA organic acid result; if you do consume, please make a note on your requisition Form.

Supplements: Some supplements may impact the HVA organic acid result. If you take any of the following, please consult your provider: Tyrosine, L-Dopa, D,L-Phenylalanine (DLPA), Mucuna and Quercetin.

Q:How long can I keep the dried samples before sending them in? 

A:While hormone levels are very stable in dried samples, they should be sent back as soon as possible. If you have to wait to send them in, place them in the freezer (in a plastic bag) after drying.

Q:What if my sleep schedule is abnormal (night workers, etc.)?

 A:Collect the bedtime sample before your longest stretch of sleep, the waking sample (#3) after this sleeping period, and sample #4 two hours later. The dinnertime sample (#1) should be collected 4-7 hours before bed.

Q:What if I am unable to urinate at a specific time? 

A:Simply drink some fluids and go as soon as you are able.

Q:Can I run this test if on HRT or other hormonal medications?


Q:Is there a video showing how to collect the samples?

A:Yes, please refer to DUTCH test videos here.

Hormonal, Adrenal, and Metabolism Test


Q: When should I take my sample?

A: We recommend taking the sample on a normal “stressful” weekday. For ovulating women, please run this test on days 19-21 of your cycle (day 1 is the first day of menstruation). If your cycles are irregular, please collect when not bleeding (or 5 days before expected period). For men or women with no cycles, please collect at any day of the month. 

Q: When should I ship my sample?

A: If sample(s) will not be sent the day of collection, please store in the freezer and note dates in Section 5 of the Test Requisition. DRIED BLOOD SPOT samples should be kept at room temperature. Please hold the sample in the freezer if the next day is not a working day.

Q: What should I avoid prior to collecting the saliva samples?

A: Please do not eat, drink (except water), or brush teeth at least 2 h prior to collections. The night before collection, wash your face before bedtime. Do not apply lotions or creams.

Q: Can I run this test if on HRT or other hormonal medications?

A: Yes

Q: How can I ensure I get my blood flowing to make the blood pricking process easier and quicker?

A: Make sure to drink plenty of water a few hours leading to collection and place your hands under warm water for a few minutes to allow for your blood to flow through your body more easily. 

Q: Is there a video showing how to collect a saliva and blood spot test?

A: Yes, please refer to ZRT Laboratory’s videos here.

Q: Where can I find a video on how to collect a blood spot sample?

A: Please see here

Comprehensive Hormonal Test


Q: When should I take my sample?

A: We recommend taking the sample on a normal “stressful” weekday. For ovulating woman, please run this test on days 19-21 of your cycle (day 1 is the first day of menstruation). If your cycles are irregular, please collect when not bleeding (or 5 days before expected period). For men or women with no cycles, please collect at any day of the month. 

Q: When should I ship my sample?

A: Ship Monday - Thursday only. If the next day is a bank holiday, please keep the specimen in the freezer  until the following business day to ship.

Q: What should I avoid on the day of collection?

A: Please do not:

  • Take any supplements until after you have collected all four samples.
  • Consume food or drinks that contain caffeine. 
  • Eat or drink anything before your first saliva collection (up to 8 oz of water is OK). 
  • Avoid eating one hour prior to each saliva collection. 
  • Brush, floss, or have dental work done 30 minutes prior to each saliva collection. Wash hands and rinse mouth with water, but wait 10 minutes to collect your saliva sample (to avoid dilution). 

Q: Can I run this test if on HRT or other hormonal medications?

A: Yes

Q: What should I do the night before collection?

A: The night before collection, wash your face before bedtime. Do not apply lotions or creams.

Comprehensive Stool Test


Q: What should I avoid prior to collecting the samples?

A: Please read all of the instructions carefully before beginning. Consult your doctor for specific instructions and before stopping any medications. 

For two weeks prior to collecting the samples, please discontinue:

Antibiotics, antiparasitics, antifungals, or probiotic supplements, proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) and Bismuth two weeks prior to taking the samples. 

For two weeks prior to collecting the samples, please discontinue:

Aspirin and other NSAIDs, digestive enzymes, laxatives (particularly mineral oil and castor oil), activated charcoal, betaine HCl, antacids or bentonite clay. 

Q: How do I ship my samples?

A: Please follow the shipping instructions form contained within this test collection kit, which will tell you how to send back your test collection kit. Unless advised otherwise, please return your test collection kit to Regenerus Laboratories in the U.K. Please ship as soon as possible. If you cannot ship the specimen on the day of collection, store the White top vial in the freezer and the other vials in the refrigerator until ready to ship. 

Q: When should I ship my samples?

A: Make sure the sample is not shipped if the next day is a bank holiday and that it is only sent Monday-Thursday. 

Organic Acid & Mycotoxin Test


Q: Are there any other recommendations to maximise the accuracy of my results?

A: Paula’s top tip is that doing epsom salt baths, massages and/or saunas the week leading up to testing will enhance accuracy of results as these practices help with toxin excretion and thus make them more likely to show up in the urine. It’s also recommended to increase your protein intake prior to testing if possible. 

Q: Is my sample valid if the urine was too dilute?

A: Urine should be yellow in colour. We recommend stopping all liquids before 6pm to ensure the urine is concentrated.

Q: Can I collect the sample while menstruating?

A: No, please wait until your menstruation is over.

Q: Do I need to avoid any foods or supplements prior to collection?

A: Yes, please avoid apples and apple juice, grapes (including raisins) and grape juice, pears and pear juice, cranberries and cranberry juice, arabinogalactan, echinacea, reishi mushrooms and ribose supplements.

Q: When should I collect my urine sample?
A: Please collect the first urine sample upon waking. Do not eat or drink prior to collecting your sample. If you wake up to urinate during the night, please do not collect your sample and wait until the following morning.

Q: When should I ship my sample?

A: Make sure the sample is not shipped if the next day is a bank holiday and that it is only sent Monday-Thursday. 

Q: Do I need to freeze my sample prior to shipping?

A: Yes, please freeze it for at least 4 h prior to shipping it.

Q: I am in the middle of the 21 Day Reset or GI Protocol, can I take this test?

A: Please wait 3 weeks after completing either protocol prior to taking the sample as the supplements on both protocols can affect the results.

Q: When should I retest to track improvements?

A: We recommend retesting after 3 months of following the recommendations your integrative health practitioner provided you after your lab test consultation.

Q: How do I mail back my sample:

A: 1. Place the urine specimen into the clear specimen pouch along with the absorbent packing material sheet and Freeze. Fold your completed Test Requisition Form and place it into the side pocket of the specimen pouch. 

2. Place frozen Ice- Brix gel pack and the urine sample(s) into the silver thermo envelope. 

3. Remove the liner and seal the silver thermo envelope. Place the silver thermo envelope in the small cardboard box. 

4. Close the box. Place the small cardboard box in the blue return envelope and seal it. 

5. Return via UPS using the enclosed label and shipping instructions (Hold the sample in the freezer if the next day is not a working day in the UK). 

6. Telephone UPS one working day before the collection is required or visit /drop off for local drop-off points. UPS Customer Service (UK) +44(0)3457 877 877.

7. Request a Pickup for a Standard Returns Delivery, with a Pre-Paid Returns label. Account Number AR6636. PLEASE KEEP A RECORD OF THE TRACKING NUMBER. 

For additional assistance, please contact Regenerus Labs on FOR ADDITIONAL SUPPORT OR ASSISTANCE PLEASE CONTACT  0203 750 0870 or email  

Inflammation test


Q: What should I do prior to my blood spot sample collection?

A: Please wash your hands under warm water for a few minutes. Dry your hands then cleanse the outer edges of your middle and ring finger with the alcohol wipe provided and let it air dry.

Q: Do I need to avoid anything prior to taking this sample?

A:  No, you can continue eating and taking supplements as normal.

Q: What does this test for?

A: It assesses the blood’s concentration of Eicosapentaenoic Acid and Docosahexaenoic Acid, the two healthy Omega-3 Fatty Acids from the Sea.

Q: How do I get my results?

A: It will be sent to you by the Synergised team.

Q: Can I get my omega-3 or fatty acid levels tested?

A: Yes, you can have your omega-3 or fatty acid levels tested to see if you may have lower than recommended levels of omega-3s. Your current blood levels will help your health coach determine the best consumption amount for you.

Hair Tissue Test


Q: What should I do prior to collection?

A: Please ensure that you have clean, dry hair. If your hair has been dyed or chemically treated, please wait at least 6 weeks before taking your sample. Please take the sample from the hair closest to the head as it will otherwise not be accurate. 

Q: How can I avoid noticeable patches after taking the sample?

A: We recommend taking the hair sample from the neck in several small selections to avoid noticeable patches. 

Q: When should I retest?

A: It takes a number of months for changes in the body to be reflected in the hair so waiting at least 8 months is recommended.

Q: How long is the hair sample good for once I have cut it?

A: As long as the hair is stored in a paper envelope and in a clean dry area, the hair sample will maintain its integrity indefinitely. Please do not store the hair sample in plastic or foil as these are potential contaminants. The longer it is between cutting the sample and the sample being processed by our laboratory, the less relevant the results become to your current nutritional and toxic element status.

Q: Do you test the hair for chemicals and drugs?

A: We test the hair for over 35 different minerals (i.e. nutritional and toxic minerals), but we do not test the hair for chemicals or drugs.

Food Sensitivity Test


Q: What do I need to do prior to taking the sample?

A: Although not necessary, for maximum accuracy we generally recommend adding in all foods that you’d like to test beforehand and consuming each of those foods 1-2 times minimum for 2-3 days before testing.


Q: How can I ensure I get my blood flowing to make the blood pricking process easier and quicker?

A: Make sure to drink plenty of water a few hours leading to collection and place your hands under warm water for a few minutes to allow for your blood to flow through your body more easily. 

Q: Can I take this test if I am on immune suppressants?

A: It’s not recommended given that this test looks for an IgG reaction. 

Q: When should I run another food sensitivity test?

A: We generally recommend retesting after 4 months of following the recommendations provided by your integrative health practitioner

Thyroid Basic Test


Q: What should I do prior to my blood spot sample collection?

A: Stay hydrated before collection and rub your hands together under warm water prior to sample collection then read instructions thoroughly beforehand.


Q: What symptoms indicate a need for the Thyroid Basic test?

A: The Thyroid Basic test is recommended for individuals diagnosed with Hypothyroidism or Hyperthyroidism, as well as those experiencing symptoms such as tiredness, difficulty concentrating, depression, sensitivity to temperature changes, menstrual irregularities, joint and muscle pain, and more. Recognizing that thyroid dysfunction is often under-addressed in conventional medicine, this test is crucial for those who want to take control of their health and well-being.

Q: How is the Thyroid Basic test different from conventional thyroid tests offered by mainstream medicine?

A: Conventional thyroid tests often focus solely on TSH and T4, providing a limited view of thyroid health. The Thyroid Basic test goes beyond these parameters, offering a more comprehensive assessment. This test considers factors such as autoimmunity, measuring thyroid antibodies (anti-TG and anti-TPO), which can indicate responses to trauma, inflammation, and autoimmune thyroid disorders like Graves disease or Hashimoto’s disease. By embracing a functional medicine approach, the Thyroid Basic test provides a more detailed and holistic understanding of your thyroid function.


Metabolism & Vitamin Test


Comprehensive Hormonal Test


Comprehensive Stool Test


Mycotoxin Test


Inflammation Test


Hair Tissue Test


Organic Acid Test


Food Sensitivity Test


Dutch Test
